Tuesday, July 16, 2024


As of last week, I have new ones on the top.  The back ones were pulled last year in preparation for more extractions and a denture placement last week.  I must say that I am on the learning curve with this as far as the pain and how to care for them.  The swelling was so bad the first few days that my face was puffy and I couldn't chew.  I still can't chew well, really.  That is not a good thing for someone with an ileosotmy.  If it ain't one thing it's ten.  Getting old is not for sissies.  

I met my potential new doggo yesterday and she is sweet as pie.  Her puppies are only a week old so they will have to be weaned and some kind folks who found her will pay for her vetting.  We pray that she is heartworm negative.  Ironically, her name is Roellen, Ro for short.  She was found on the road to Roellen and thusly named.  That highway is where I got smacked by an 18 wheeler last fall while looking for a friend's house.  Dude topped the hill as I was turning and didn't have my turn signal on so I was at fault.  The nice trooper did not give me a citation because he knew that "truckers think they own the road."  I have observed many polite and gracious ones and some real asshats that go way above the speed limit.  I guess it's just like all other drivers only their rigs are HUGE.  I was lucky to survive that one but have been in physical therapy ever since.  Speaking of PT, I saw my old buddy Patrick this morning.  He is the one who treated me when I was quite frankly "pitiful" post-op with the gut surgery.  I was also lucky to survive that event.  Most everybody thought I was a goner but Big Ernie had other plans.  

I try to discern what it is that He wants me to do.  It's mostly little things but that is what counts.  Meet people where they are and don't judge.  The schism in my home church has hurt so many people, especially the ones of us who grew up there.  And all because of exclusion. 

I won't even begin to discuss political things except for the fact that I am sad for our country and where we are right now.  The rhetoric needs to calm down and so do the people.  Research before you vote.  Know your candidate.  Reach across the aisle for a better America ^j^

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