Wednesday, July 31, 2024


More car drama today.  I usually handle stress pretty well but this has been wearing on me for a loooong time now and I broke down crying in the 'gentral parking lot where the damn car wouldn't go into gear.  This was shortly after I had the brake light switch replaced.  I noticed when I left that the brakes were "tight" but assumed it was nothing and went to pick up Mamye to go to the store and when I pulled out of her driveway and it started.  We went really slow and by the time we got to the store I smelled something burning and so did she.  I popped the hood and opened it with the help of a nice older gentleman parked next to me and he smelled it too.  My only option was to have it towed back to the service center.  And so, I am grounded again.  And so is Mamye.

My friend Lorna is seriously ill and I am asking for prayer for her health and peace for her soul.  She is smart and tough like me, but sometimes the strength wears thin when times are hard.  Please lift her up.  She has pretty much been my life coach since we met.  

Sorry there is nothing inspirational here today.  I'll try harder to keep the faith ^j^

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