Thursday, August 1, 2024

your honor

I have wheels again thanks to Jesus and God and Mother Theresa!  And of course, Les at Lake Road.  When I was waiting  inside for him to come back with the part yesterday I visited with Momo over the wooden fence inside.  She mostly sleeps but gets excited when somebody calls her name and will give her a head rub.  I drove away and the car worked good enough to get me from here to there and back home.  

And I seriously could not wait because it's hot as hades out there.  My electric bill is running 8 bucks a day but I refuse to die hot.  Sometimes it kicks off at night or early morning and I have a box fan so there ya' go.  I've given up on watering the flowers and will let nature take its' course.  Mayberry and crewed mowed today which is always a major allergy event.  *big sneeze*

I had forgotten that today is election day because I always vote early.  I am a D so it was easy to declare and pick candidates based on my research.  The mailman delivered a jury duty summons for September and part of October.  If I have a car, I'll be there Sheriff.  I do so believe in jury duty as a service for citizens.  

The apples are ready so I may go pick 'em if it cools down any.  Or maybe I'll just sweat it out.  Keep the faith ^j^ 

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