Friday, April 22, 2022

the disorganized genius

That would be me, by the way.  I have a hundred balls in the air right now and I procrastinate like a fool so there's stuff everywhere waiting to be planted and put up and whatnot.  I don't stress about it except I wish I had a pantry because the cabinets are so high I have to use a stepladder to put groceries up.  You know the people you see climbing the shelves at the 'gentral?  That's me.  The associates don't like that, by the way. 

In local news a middle school teacher was charged with assault for breaking up a bitch fight between two fourteen year old girls.  Now I don't know about y'all but I have been in that situation and there ain't nothing uglier than hormones and anger.  I am a witness to that through my experiences with BG and her friends. Most of them never duked it out but there was this one occasion when I had to stop a fight in my yard.  In the dark.  The struggle is real.  I cannot believe that the teacher was arrested, booked and the local shitty newspaper posted his mug shot on the front page.  I wasn't there so I don't know.  

My friend T Lee delivered my custom made raised box today and it is to die for beautiful.  I have an order in for three bags of dirt specifically for the raised beds.  Gottta pick that up tomorrow.  It's all unicorns and rainbows around here.  Keeping the faith ^j^

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