Friday, April 8, 2022

april fool

Why yes indeed, I heard reports of sleet today in our area today.  I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn for a doctor's appointment and there's a scan scheduled to see if there's anything sinister looking.  It's the first time on this journey that anybody has done anything other than draw blood and collect urine.  Inquiring  minds want to know.  We went to visit a friend in rehab today and they were all swapping tales about the old days.  I heard a familiar voice on the other side of the curtain and recognized it immediately as one of my former co-workers.  He got pulled into the huddle as well!  Everybody's invited to that reunion that EVER worked there or with us.  Okay, we may need to rent a building!

I had to eat a big old unhealthy breakfast at Coby Joe's and it's still sticking with me.  I'm just not used to that at all.  I'm a mini meal kind of person.  I guess it's better for your blood sugar.  Today's skies remind me of what it must have been that day when Jesus died.  There are already purple flags flying with the famous flowering cross only a week away.  It's a great tradition that brings the congregation together.  It will also be Dakota's last Sunday.  Don't even get me started on the tears that are coming.  Probably a lot of the ugly cry, for me anyway.  This man ministered to me when I was fresh out of the near death surgery and anointed me with holy oil.  UCMTSU.  In the nursing home!  Mary Beth also got called in to calm me down when I threatened to leave on the first day.   My entire family was in on that one.  

So I spent 10 days with a most unlikely roommate named Sara.  We had been friends back in the day and I remembered that she suffered a stroke in her fifties.  Actually she was Lauren's friend first and we got introduced.  She was an almost complete vegetable dependent on life support for every bodily function.  There was even an oxygen concentrator that was noisy as hell.  I got used to the sound of slamming doors as the meds got counted.  My PT experience was great and I credit them with getting me well enough to get outta' there.  The nurses I made friends with all understood where I was at.  Angels come in all forms.  My friends Chucky and Vicki and Misti brought me real food and did my hair for the first time in ummm 3 weeks. I was still carrying a wound vac then but that didn't stop us  That was the best headwashing and turkey'n'dressing I ever had.   Yaya brought pimento cheese which had no place to live except in a tub of ice by my bed.  Damn, I wish I had some now!  i haven't near covered them all but I know without a doubt I would have fallen through the cracks were it not for my friends and family to advocate and keep me sane.

We got an official invite to a family Easter egg hunt in Ridgely and I so hope that happens.  We have a whole lot of schedules to juggle.  I feel totally blessed that Lauren's job allows weekend opportunities with Gaga.  Even if we're all on our devices, we're together.  Keep the faith ^j^

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