Sunday, April 24, 2022

remember your baptism

Today was confirmation Sunday at FUMC and I sat right behind all the kids, parents and grandparents.  There were rows reserved for them.  Cathy joined me and we sang some old hymn in amongst the sermon explaining how a kids' faith grows in a nurturing church.  I didn't get baptized as an infant like many did, so I did the deed after confirmation class.  I believe it was taught by Larry Tubb.  I know for a fact he was our first "youth minister/associate" and he made a big impact on me as a teenager.  It was the first time a youth council was formed there.  Now we have two staff members dedicated to different groups. Tori has the littles and different people do small talk which is always hilarious.  Emily is leaving soon for her next adventure and has a replacment in the wings.  Dakota was in fact, not there today but at his new assignment in Tupelo.  I bet he knows every one of them already.

The girls surprised me with a visit today and we were playing water hose and pretending to be on the beach when the yard crew showed up.  That's when we made our exit back to the house where the AC is.  Ryan stopped in for some chat and a beer while the others were finishing up.  Looks like me and Yvonne are on the same schedule!

Being a godly person is not about being right or in denial.  It's about loving and caring for humanity and believing in blessings, above all odds.  There are times, though, when we have to make tough decisions, sometimes uninformed.  It's best to communicate ahead of time what your wishes are.  My POAs know exactly what I desire for end of life care.  I remember helping Lauren write her thesis on the hospice philosophy in high school.  Those were good times because I was really just learning about it.  That was right around the time I had discovered Scott Peck, John Bradshaw and Melody Beattie.  EK Ross.  Some years later my youngest brother moved to Afton, VA which is where she operated a hospice for AIDS patients.  How coincidental!

My yard is pretty now and Lauren helped me drag the box into place so all I gotta' do is fill it and plant.  Reaves helped me in one of the beds and there's one lone flower left in plastic.  I will prolly have to replant the hydrangea because I couldn't dig deep enough.  Such is life.  This is why I need a gardener.  I'll gladly buy the stuff and plant it but I cannot dig deep holes in dirt with roots.  

Y'all have a swell week.   Love ya.  Mean it ^j^

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