Thursday, October 28, 2021

give the gift of postage

Unbeknownst to me, a stamp went to 58 cents in August and is set to go up again next year.  Now, I'm not a big stamp user because I pay most things online but there are two who don't have that and I owe them so there ya' go.  I just saw a FB ad from the USPS offering 100 forever stamps for 45 bucks.  That, is a deal and would make a great gift. I enjoy getting things quick and so far they have beat out all the other companies on delivery options.  I feel the same way about them as I do small business owners.  Don't expect people to work hard to make your company look good when you're cuttin' corners DeJoy.  Go away.  There were a lot of consequences to your cutbacks in service around election time. 

I believe in the little guy and the power that can be generated in community with others.  I still stick up for he or she 'til do us part if you are a friend indeed and in need.   Fortunately I have plenty of those folks.  I hope you are blessed as well.  I'm anxiously awaiting the Virginia governor's election soon,  From what I hear it's neck and neck and I like a tight run, that is, unless they start demanding recounts.  Boo on you.  It didn't used to be this way.  High five to you  DJT.  

That's all my knowledge today.  Be well ^j^

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