Wednesday, October 6, 2021

busy bees

We have bee hives out here on the farm.  The first year I barely noticed what was going on until I passed by one day and there were two guys in suits pulling trays from the hives.  They are good for the crops, so to speak.  I have followed that forward in tiny little steps over a few years and I now know how it's done.  I showed up for a photo op in Finley and got to see those trays out for the honey to be extracted from the combs.  There was a beautiful dog named Jenny who snapped a bee or two in midair and a to die for motorcycle which got moved out of my line of vision.  Practicing the photo guidelines for submission, I focused on one pic to print.  And a helluva' long story to go with it.  It's just one tiny piece of the history of this place.  Grounded on agriculture, we do corn beans and wheat.  I suppose those bees do their part somewhere in the ecosystem that is Calcutt Farms.  

I'm reading Rick's Speckled Beauty and it has helped me to understand where he was when I reached out to him as a mentor and coach.  I've had dogs like that.  Currently I have Oscar boi and he's mine 'til death do us part.  He's muddy and nasty most of the time but I don't care.  Al is not allowed in the house but sometimes he sneaks in.  I ain't having all that spraying going on up in here.  I reckon I could scramble up 200 bucks to have him fixed but that would spoil his fun.  

I've been busy as a cat chasing his tail but that's a good thing I reckon, except for the price of gas.  I got some new beauty products from Yaya and still haven't done the whole routine.  All of it is skin care which I sorely need.  I've added zinc to the daily regimen and Head and Shoulders for the stoma. 

Happy hump day kiddos ^j^

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