Tuesday, July 1, 2014

heat of the moment

Well as usual, there's been lots of drama. I was almost out of SRUIs and here come a pack of kids to my house after an extremely taxing day at the sawmill and I lost it. I think the 300 dollar utility bill is what set me off. I have a fairly new central unit and keep it clean so I was just totally amazed that it cost that much to stay cool in June. I paid 350 for three months usually with the old unit. Drafty old house! Plus the back door doesn't shut so the flies are every freakin' where. I got a three pack of swatters in neon at the DG the other day so it's all good unless you step on their little bodies barefoot. Then? Just ewwww. As I see it TVA is raping and plundering the natural resources of the great state of Tennessee like the Ocoee River. There are others, without a doubt.

The Olympic kayak competition was held right there in the gorge that has been created by a tiny spring up around the copper mining area. River outfitters share the power of that dam with TVA which has a very poor track record with ash spills and whatnot. The very first time we put in there was some hysterical bitch up on a rock refusing to come down or be rescued or any of that. With a life jacket! We smooth passed her and headed toward the most fun I've ever had. Everybody got wet, needless to say.

I just noticed Mr. Neely drive by so I guess he's checking out the bean plantin' situation up in that wheat stubble. The top of of the hill is dry and the bottoms are getting there. Daddy said he remembers a bean planting in August that did nothing but return the farmer his seed. How sad is that? Mother nature don't play. Sweet corn ain't ready yet and still no Sugardaddy. We shall see what tomorrow brings.


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