Wednesday, July 2, 2014

if tomorrow never comes

We've been to a few rodeos around here and watch a lot of Nurse Jackie so the subject of addiction is almost always on the table. Those who aren't touched in some way by addicts don't understand what good people most addicts are underneath the medicating of their pain. It's a game, something to keep your mind occupied so you don't have to feel or be in the moment. Always chasing that next high. My ex told me he was hooked on crack the very first time he smoked it and he lived to be a responsible sober adult by hitting the wall and making the only sane choice. Most people fail to realize that just because your addiction isn't something illegal, it's still a monkey on your back whether it's Facebook or opiates or sex and gambling. I've heard a lot of men use the excuse that they are "sex addicts" according to the therapist yet they're still out there trolling like it's opening day of fishing season. Addictions to certain behaviors are extremely hard to deal with like my daddy's OCD caused from his fronto-temporal dementia. This disease does NOT play. I heard today that a young man who had a history of substance abuse was found dead at the age of 25, in his truck. I didn't know him but know his family and all I could think was "there but by the grace of God go I."

As predicted Mom will be sending back every pair of pants Ms Faye ordered for her because they don't fit. Been there done that more times than I can remember with her. I was there the other day and was pickng up her room and the clothes while she got ready for a shower and she kept standing in the door nekkid talking a blue streak and telling me how to do things. It really pisses 'em off when you move their "stuff." She's got BBQ and sides ordered for the 4th so we'll get that picked up and celebrate Old Glory one more time on Calcutt farm. Usually the Johnson family has a big shindig so there's always that. For a change, the weather looks a bit balmier than usual so there's that as well. Plus I'm off for three days thanks to my friend Sue. Of course she leaves for the beach right after!

During the past ten years or so I have accepted the fact that money is power and is thus responsible for almost ALL evil in politics. Please see above reference to addictive behavior. Early voting will begin and you can bet your sweet ass my well informed self will be front and center because that's what our forefathers fought and died for...the opportunity not to be controlled by the upper crust. These are the people who fund think tanks to support their personally held religious beliefs and push them off on the rest of us. A rant? Oh nooooo...not yet.

Keep the faith ^j^

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