Wednesday, July 18, 2012

inconveniently, the truth comes out

If ya'll don't believe in global warming by now, just wait until that 50 tons of debris hits California or a wildfire starts that won't go out until it hits the mighty Mississippi. It is a reality that has been poo pooed for years by those who stand to make a great deal of money off of stripping the earth of natural resources so that they can make even MORE money. Ozone alerts were unheard of when I was growing up, yet today they're a common daily weather indicator in many states during the summer. The reason is that we have polluted the atmosphere to such a degree that the very air we breathe is poisoned with chemicals and by-products of dangerous substances. Environmental controls cost money which corporations definitely don't want to spend, even though they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. As for the banks, I'm over that crap. They are in the bed with the devil, just like all the other essential services that we the people can no longer afford. We have been stripped of the very freedoms that our forefathers fought and died to protect. Look what it got them. My high school biochemistry teacher is an expert on the JFK murder and all the hooplah out on the plaza before and after. Now in his his 70's, I remember partying at his house as a kid and watching the Zapruder film for the first time, grainy images from a projector. I watched as Jack Ruby killed the only one who really knew what happened (besides the FBI and CIA) and collected a nice fat check, more than likely. Conspiracy theorist? You bet your sweet ass I am. I have always trusted the government, both locally and nationally, to protect me and mine. Now I'm a skeptic, looking more towards trying to learn how to survive when the infrastructure is gone. And it will be, by the way. Our transportation systems have not been adequately funded for years (see: big banks,money,stock market,crash,etc.) We have a chance right now to make a difference and it doesn't all have to do with who's running for president. Politics starts at home, as I can tell you from the wild past of our county judicial system. Mention Dyer county and sheep in the same sentence and google it...I dare ya. Our governor is Republican and so far he's done a very good job of transitioning. But really? That has more to do with the unity of the people who fund this state rather than a political party. Tennessee was one of the first to experiment with state health insurance, namely TennCare. It was a solid plan to insure people who could not afford anything but before it even got off the ground the opportunists in the industry found loopholes in contracts for everything from pharmacy to daycare. Once again..that the major offenders lived in Memphis with the last name of Ford should not be intended as a slap to the Democratic party. That family came to power during a time when minorities(AND white trash) in the south began the phase that I like to call "entitlement." You owe me this, even though I've got ten kids by eight daddies and a meth lab in the back yard. You can't fix stupid, no matter how hard you try. BG is road tripping so it's just me and the doggies hanging out by the box fan. I've had plenty of running after work this week what with a doctor's appointment for the grands and paperwork with the VA. Dr. Scott, god bless his soul, is a geriatric specialist who had the balls to bring up assisted living to my parents yesterday. Of course, the conversation had already been started following two falls a week apart. Mama just sat there quiet like and Daddy turned all red and said "We're not ready." Alrighty then! Let us know when you are. Work is busy and good even with all the drama. I am training a tech who worked with us 20 years ago and is back for another dose. She is surprisingly quick and learns easily, which is a blessing. One of our old timers SanSan is close to death from liver failure. Her friend Ro is providing hospice care at her home and we will begin the trek to pay our final respects. Somehow when I visited her the last time, I knew this was coming. Love and kisses fishylips! ^j^

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