Friday, July 29, 2011

praise the lord and raise the roof

I have never in all my life been so happy to see a week end with beer at home on a Friday night. Color me low maint and over fifty. For most of my (our) life we have worked our asses off believing in the post WWII dream that our country and the values therein are worth defending. Unfortunately all of that got outsourced to cheap labor in third world countries where other humans toil away at their jobs, just like we do. Some of their leaders get political perks, just like our own US government does. Members of Congress and the presidents, both past and future, are guaranteed plenty of SS protection and a hefty salary that can be augmented by speaking on the rubber chicken circuit to diehard partisans. If I could round up every damn tea partier and dump 'em in Boston harbor, I'd die a happy woman.There's a whole helluva lot of money floating around somewhere, and I'd like to know where the trillions went, line item by line item. I haven't cast a vote in a presidential election for many years, and I'm saving up for the underdog who reminds me of Jimmy Stewart as Mr. Smith. If my mama and daddy don't get their "entitlements" next week, I will be one pissed off smart ass country gal and that's never a good thing....especially in the heat of July.

We got rain today and lots of it. My salsa sister picked me up and we had some good food and caught up on life and such. It hasn't showered here for almost a month, but as we were leaving the heavens opened up and gave us a good soaking. It let up for a bit, and then commenced to pour again after I got home. It will be a good year for this farm. In other news, my utility bill was 80 bucks less due to the new and improved unit, and that was with one week on the old one that ran 24/7. Whatever $$ I can keep from paying TVA, I'm all about it. Last time I checked, they owned my first only born. That's not green or faithful living.

I'm off for two and have the AC cranked up so I can sleep under a blanket and dream of fall and winter when the kudzu is dead and the starry nights are crisp and clear. That's when allergy season is officially over.


1 comment:

  1. Got to love saving a buck. Cool nights and sweet dreams Janie.
