Tuesday, July 26, 2011

if you can't say something nice......

Anybody with a grandma can probably tell you the rest of that sentence. I can come up with all sorts of good exceptions though, like "say something catty that nobody gets." Trust me, it's good for the soul and people don't get near as mad as when you call them a dumbass face to face. Not talkin' about anybody in particular, of course. Just sayin'. On occasion I find that " say it under your breath with a fake smile" works too. Just depends on the situation, ya know?

The heat has been so steady for so long that I got dizzy on the way home while running errands and had to take to the couch and go to bed early. And I don't even WORK out in it. My brother always told me that a job didn't count if you sat in the air conditioning. Heh. We did get a nice little soaker right after I sent up a prayer which was right nice. It is now the absolute armpit of summer when growing things seems too much trouble unless they're in the shade and snakes lie on cool basement steps. Ewww and ewww.

The guy in Norway...absolute nutcake on the order of Hitler, which is really ironic considering O'Reilly called the kids at the camp "Hitler children." Remember the last time a white Christian extremist decided to take things into his own hands? Nobody much paid attention until it got so big there was nothing anybody could do. Terrorists come in every race, creed and sex and they prey on weak minded people to follow their vision which is usually punishing somebody for being who they are. That is NOT my god. The god that I believe in is one who is not opposed to assertive behavior for basic rights, but has open arms for any believer in whatever form or fashion their concept of a greater good may be. It's the basis of twelve step groups worldwide and the only way that we as children of the earth will survive this thing. When I saw tody that BP posted record profits last year following that massive f**kup in the gulf, I wanted to throw up. Just like when I look at split pictures of our president and the other guy playing chicken with the future of our country.

Life is what you make it, and last night we had a blast in the kitchen cooking fried green 'maters with three little girls who turned up their noses at them but loved the chocolate chip muffins. That's what we do in the south when it's 100 degrees you know.....fire up the stove!

Stay cool and remember who you are ^j^


  1. Speakin' of them fried green 'taters.... could you help a (Yankee) brother out with the :"how to's" and "like this's", please?
    And having said thus, I am off to fry up a batch of zucchini - them I knows how to fry :)
    Don't BP stand for BIG PROFIT? Just wonderin'

  2. I have to agree with the brother, needin' to know how to make them. Heard lots of times how good they are, but never tried it.
