Thursday, July 7, 2011

beyond weary

My friend at work loaned me gas money so I wouldn't get stranded on the way home to Pecan Lane so I stopped to fill up put a few bucks in the tank until I get paid tomorrow. I had watched this big blonde shaggy dog dodge traffic in front or the hospital which was a very busy place today, census notwithstanding. When I pulled into the gas and chicken store, she turned up as I was at the pump. She seemed friendly, so I reached over and grabbed the tag dangling around her scruffy neck. There was a name and a number that I promptly called, and loaded Juniper up in the back seat for the ride home. Where she promptly jumped out of my car and ran off again, across the street to the home of another co-worker. They knew each other, so I handed off that rescue to her. It was beer thirty and I still had stops to make.

One of those stops was at the pharmacy to pick up "happy pills" because ya'll can't imagine what a sobbing idiot and/or superbitch I can be without them. Serotonin is my friend, and I think I started running short sometime around the age of thirty. If only I'd known then that a little pill could make such a big difference. I had the opportunity to venture outside of my cubicle today and mingle with another department up close and personal like. As I stood in the hall and watched them work to save a patient's life, I was amazed at the precision and team effort required to pull off something like that. There was little conversation and lots of unspoken commands carried out by heart from having been there before. My little part in that drama made me feel like it's worth all the corporate BS.

Mom has had company today, a group of girlhood friends who traveled to spend time in the red log cabin that has been one of their favorite spots. I'm sure Daddy took one look at all the hustle and bustle and just took off for his recliner and remote. It will take them a month to recover from one day's movement off of the routine schedule. Hot ain't the word for this weather so I'll just leave it at hot'n'humid'time'for'fall that. I've got a celexa in me so it'll all be good by tomorrow.

Peace out people!


  1. Sounds a bit peaceful for a change kiddo. Congrats on that.

  2. Sorry for not being around for a wee bit. Been kind of distracted between getting back together with Shannon, organizing the International Collabo poetry book and working/kids. Sounds like things have settled down just a wee bit.
    Hugs and prayers
