Tuesday, November 30, 2021

how niice

That's how we say it in the South.  It could mean anything from bless your heart to WTF kind of crazy are you!  I finally got some sleep and feel like a human again.  I did the hunt and gather thing today so now I have food and stuff to wash clothes with.  I had to make a second stop to get bleach wipes but they are a must.  Joy and I came out here to unload with me and found my friend Patty's butt plum up in the air picking pecans.  Like me, she thinks of them as God's giveback.  A blessing , so to speak. 

I did some insurance business this morning with three other friends and our local agent.  All of us switched after he explained the deal.  PLUS, if we are not satisfied in the first three months we can change back.  Healthcare should  not be this complicated.  That's why so many clinicians give it up.  There is so much technology involved within our delivery of healthcare services and that introduces a whole 'nother piece of work called liability and malpractice.  It costs a huge chunk for practitioners to insure themselves in defense of that kind of suit.  Sometimes they are justified, like a lot.  But it's because the system is broken.  

Pecans are beginning to fall and the next few days look nice.  It's now or never y'all ^j^

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