Sunday, March 17, 2019

a sin is a sin

Well y'all, I've had church all day.  I caught an anti-abortion sermon this morning.  If you know me at all you know I'm pro choice.  I looked up the scriptures listed in my church newsletter and as usual it was a mixture of old and new.  Then I did a speed read of a book by a woman that I met yesterday.  That one I couldn't put down until the end. Bonus:  I have three more!  She has inspired me to tell my story and those of others.

My friend Rick dropped in this afternoon and we had bible study at the ( not so ) round table in the kitchen.  We covered a lot of topics like people who have studied the good book will do on occasion.  I can't remember book and verse on demand but there's always that handy thing in the back called an appendix. He won that round. "It has always been thus and so."

My story is one about coming of age in the 60s and 70s.  I had a pretty happy Beaver Cleaver early childhood but the war in Vietnam hit me like a brick as an early teen.  That peace and love attitude has followed me through several other wars particularly Desert Storm and Iraq.  It's all about the money folks.

I feel blessed beyond measure and after a year free from corporate America, I am finally becoming sane.  I judge nobody ever.  It's not my place if you know what I mean.  My spirituality is between me and God, the ones who loves everybody and their mama'n'them.  


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