Thursday, June 6, 2024

break a hip

I was surprised to see on my last chest x-ray that I had healed broken ribs on the RIGHT side ( 2 thru 6, to be exact.)  I am assuming that happened when I fell out of the bed while chasing the bad guys in my dream.  I was on a mission for sure! I was certain that I had broken every rib on the left side when I fell into the internet equipment one night while looking for a gown.  But no.  That was a big bad bruise that took six weeks to heal.  Or maybe the x-rays were not accurate.  Who knows.

The trial of interest is over with a locked jury.  Enough already because nobody cares anymore about that stuff except for court tv watchers.  In this particular case I observed a long drawn out investigation with conflicting evidence.  What struck me the most was the professional and compassionate behavior of the judge and his staff.  They got hijacked to Weakley county so that the suspect could get a "fair" trial.  Along with them were many jurors getting paid pennies a day to decide the verdict.  You have to love and respect the law to make that kind of sacrifice.  I was called as a juror in a case before I retired where this couple were suing every healthcare provider in West Tennessee because their daughter died from a snake bite at the lake.  The judge excused me because I knew and worked with all of the defendants.  

My most memorable day in court was when I testified in a child custody trial way back when.  Kimo and LP were BFFs and her dad and grandparents were trying to take custody from her mother.  I'll spare you the details and cut to the chase.  One night my girl was spending the night in Finley when I got a call to come pick her up early in the morning.  Cops were there.  She came running out and we took her home.  This entire scenario was over control of a teenager.  Her mom asked me to testify about that night and I got cold feet.  She then told me that I would get called anyway.  I waited all day outside the courtroom while they did what they do.  At about 4:30 I was called in by the judge who greeted me cordially to testify.  I told the story and saw some folks over yonder saying "Why didn't you TELL me about this incident?"  It was the other attorney.  Needless to say Mom got custody and all is well these days.  I think.

I just told what I saw and witnessed.  I didn't lie or anything like that but it was fresh on my mind.  When you start grilling folks about what happened a decade ago, there are memory lapses.  Shit happens and all that.  I do not understand why this current trial is such a big deal except that a whole lot of folks want to place blame on both sides.  I don't work that way at all.

So I've been gone for four days and Rosie is having a fit because of that.  She was fed and watered but pretty pissed because Mama wasn't here to rub on.  My basil is quite healthy because she uses the raised bed as a litter box.  I watered everything today in the pots.  About time to get the hose out and wash Laura's car.  

Y'all keep the faith ^j^

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