Sunday, June 9, 2024

you gotta' eat

I haven't bought groceries in close to a month other than a random trip to the 'gentral.  Normally I order pickup from Kroger or Wallyworld but yesterday I actually went INTO Kroger and picked out what I wanted to avoid substitutions.  I spent a lot of money but got a lot of food for one person.  I know how to make it last.  I ate a ton of fried yellow squash for supper last night which is one of my favorites.  When Mama used to cook it we would eat it right out of the frying pan on the paper towels and there was not much left by suppertime.

I have a renewed interest in cleaning up this old house because I have been neglectful for awhile.  Storage space is limited so I'm having to get creative with that.  I will need another tote or two to store the winter stuff and I reckon they will be stacked in the corner of my bedroom.  

We have had almost daily rains for about a month now so everything is blooming.  Stargazer and tiger lily have buds set ready to explode with beauty at just the right time.  Stargazers are first, then tigers around the first of July.  If you have never smelled a Stargazer lily, you are missing out.  Kind of the scent of a French whorehouse.

Our summer series at DFUMC is based on favorite hymns.  Today's was Blessed Assurance and I learned a whole lot about Fannie and her life as a blind composer.  Our SS class is studying about the history of religion in America and is quite fascinating.  I have pantry duty for the next two weeks and liturgy next Sunday.  I may not tithe appropriately but I do what I can and make it up in service.  God knows my heart ^j^

1 comment:

  1. During the 2nd great awakening the Revivalists debated Bible class in schools. They finally ditched the idea. This decided instead to start the very first Sunday school classes within the denominations. This is why we have Sunday School.
