Friday, June 21, 2024

all y'all

That is a catch all phrase in the South which includes you, your family and everybody you ever loved plus those who are struggling just to stay above water.  Dog paddling, if you will.  So many people don't understand that the struggle is real for most all of us.  My car has been in the shop for six weeks now and hopefully I will pick it up on Monday and get back to Escape mode.  I drive very slowly down Samaria Bend now because it is lined with corn and deer tend to jump out there when you least expect 'em.  Usually at dawn or dusk.  Thanks to an old and dear friend, I have had a car to drive during that time.  We checked out rental rates which are not covered under insurance for mechanical failure, and out of the heavens came Laura who had an extra.  We are lifelong friends.

Yesterday I worked in the church pantry and had a good time filling bags with donated food for those who don't have enough.  I have been blessed with plenty and though I don't think my one tomato plant in a pot will produce much, I know where to get them.  Since I became an ostomate I have been schooled by my friend Jay on the finer points of using supplies correctly and efficiently.  He was way ahead of me on the learning curve so I appreciate the advice and help.  

My teeth are in pretty bad shape and I have an extraction and denture delivery scheduled for July 11th, let us pray big time.  Sedation is expensive so I chose nitrous at 35 bucks not covered by insurance.  That's what the flex card is for.  The retina specialist told me to quit smoking and there was no change because I am faithful with the AREDs. I have come to love the taste of one gel bitten in the evening.  

It is hot y'all and I don't do well with that.  I know, I'm repeating myself so bear with me.  Nothing stops the bob whites though, nothing.  They speak to me from the trees in my family's yard and tell me every little thing will be alright.  Their house looks nothing like when they lived here thanks to renovation.  I hope to bring Ms Reba out here when it's cleaned up.  She hasn't seen in a gazillion years.  I think Rosie would love her!

I tend to steer away from controversy now but here is what I believe with all my heart in no particular order:

Both political parties have failed to deliver a solid candidate for this election.

I think DS did it but why waste more taxpayer money to prove it?  There is more to that story than is being told.

The UMC is inclusive and has my heart. So do the Cumberland Presbyterians and Episcopalians.  We worship God the Father in many different ways.  To each his or her own.

The 11th commandment is that you shall not abuse animals by leaving them out in the heat without food and water.  Do not take one on if you cannot afford it.  They are expensive to care for and not toys to be trained to fight or ride in purses.   This is why I have ONE cat who does her own thing and works with my schedule.

I worked for a lady one time who had four cats and a dog, plus a stuffed bobcat on the porch.  She liked me enough but was non-compliant with every freakin' thing including baths.  This lady fired everybody that was there to help her and told them to hit the door.  Never mind that her family was paying for that care.

Physical therapy was awesome this morning at Dynamix.  Two different practitioners tried to pop my back and it was way too stiff to move.  We have identified my neck and shoulder problems and that is the main focus now.  Felica did some MFR and then I was led though band exercises and some electrical stimulation with moist heat.  Amazing stuff.  My biggest problem is that I tilt forward and fail to keep my elbows and shoulders in the proper place.  Note to self:  Do that and more.

Keep the faith ^j^


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