Sunday, June 16, 2024

if you can't stand the heat....

Well, it's probably the humidity.  There's a breeze out there but it's a hot one.  The air quality according to the weather forecast is "moderate."  From where I sit I can actually see the air which is not too inviting.  Kind of like pea soup.  I had a bad bag morning which was unfortunate because I was the liturgist at DFUMC.  I managed to make it home and get into something loose so Poopie could do her thing in peace.  My supplies don't come until the first week of July so it looks like I'll have to order from Amazon to get me through.  

I cannot tolerate the heat and humidity...I'm a woos when it comes to that and I will smooth sell a kidney just to stay cool.  My pre-pay bill is running about six bucks a day now.  We are under a heat advisory and the first day of summer is not yet here.  Lord help us.  As I was driving through downtown D'burg yesterday I noticed all the Juneteenth celebrations going on under tents and what not.  Once again, I can't take the heat and the poor air quality without real Sudafed and prednisone.  When I last went to my GP I had bronchitis and a sinus infection and got five days of 10 mg prednisone which helped but it's now gone.  I'll be back dude.  You are my PCP.  I also had an ear infection which I've been treating with peroxide and alcohol the old school way.  

I pray that we all have a joyful day ^j^

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