Wednesday, May 29, 2024

jury duty

There is a very high profile sort of murder case going on in our district right now.  Sounds like a long one with lots of witnesses and testimony.  I am currently working on my impression of the judge which is pretty much "how did we get to this point" and when is lunch.  You have to give the jury a break.  Shhhh..just don't talk about it.  LP asked me : Do you think he did it?  Girl I don't have a clue.  Sometimes there are no easy answers about  who is guilty.

Enough about true crime.  This weather is marvelous and easy on the lungs.  Stopping by at the shop today I found that my car is still in the back waiting on a transmission.  Fortunately Laura Ann has let me use hers until mine is fixed.  Hers is the next model up from an Escape and has lots of bells and whistles that I don't know how to use.  The side sensors keep me in line with curbs and whatnot.

I am better than yesterday which is a miracle.  I rest often and long and eat well.  Get in a little bit of nature when the humidity is low and there's a breeze.  When I sit on the front porch I remember the Lee house that was down by the old cattle barn.  Rosie and Georgie lived there with there parents and they had an outhouse.  First time I ever saw one.  Doody was the daddy's name.  

Big Daddy lived across the road from us when we were kids, he and Ms. Lockey.  They had all kinds of pigs, chickens, cows and other animals kinda' sorta' cooped up in the back.  We gathered eggs from the chicken house and played in the backwater from the Forked Deer.  There were tadpoles in the ditches and we caught them in jars.  Same for fireflies.

The landscape looks different now what with global warming and changes in bug patterns.  Daddy spent half of his career at the USDA  popping pins in a map on the wall to track the Japanese beetle.  Those little dudes are STILL around wreaking havoc.  

Y'all be happy and enjoy the little moments.  I sure do ^j^

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