Thursday, June 13, 2024

come hell or high water

My friends have a pool that I never got into last summer.  First time ever for me not to go swimming.  That will change tomorrow because it's blazing hot.  I have PT in the morning and will wear my swimsuit with a cover up so I can go to the pool and visit with Doonie and whoever else is there.  This is the pool that Reaves learned to swim in as a 3 and 4 year old.  It's surrounded by flowers and a golf course.  Zero chance of rain so I need some sunscreen for my lily white body. Or maybe I'll go to Mo's house.  We shall see.

I got some Sevin dust today for my lone tomato plant ( in a pot ) that now has a baby 'mater.  Reckon I'll have to cage it soon.  As for the rest of it, it's all herbs and flowers.  I can buy squash at the farmer's market or mooch off of Patrick and Beverly.  As I pulled into the driveway yesterday I saw a critter running across the front yard and at first thought it was Rosie.  On closer inspection it turned out to be a racoon that made a bee line to the corn across the road.  A coon can tear up a cornfield in a heartbeat.

I have spent a fair amount of time at the hospital lately and ran into my cousin David yesterday in the cafeteria.  It was his first day there after three years of traveling.  His wife and dogs are sheltering in place in their RV at the local Love's truck stop while he works.  I was totally impressed with the care he gave us.  

Meanwhile, the Southern Baptist Convention has outlawed IVF because "that's not the normal way to have babies."  Lord have mercy y'all.  I am so thankful to be an inclusive Methodist.  this Sunday is Father's Day and I am the liturgist.  I may have a tale or two to tell about my own Daddy making a joyful noise.

Joyful joyful we adore thee ^j^

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