Monday, May 27, 2024

what goes around comes around

Payback is hell sometimes.  When we set ourselves up as "better than" sometimes God will smite thee with something or other that resembles what you did to others.  I have been there, done that way too many times.  Judgement is not up to us, but with God.  Those who seek to down others are not real followers of the way Jesus did things.  He reached out to the least of these and made it count.  

I was dead asleep last night when I got a call from a Memphis weather watcher that there was a tornado headed my way.  I got up and watched it online and things turned out to a little bit of nothing thankfully.  I do so appreciate the heads up.  Today was nicer and sunny but still hot and humid with cottonwood floating everywhere. Not good for someone like me.  Mamye and I had a nice breakfast at Mel's this morning and I'm still full as a tick with eggs, bacon and biscuit with gravy.  Plus there is Chick Fil A on the way thanks to doordash.  They are open again after many months off for a remodel.  The chick people have been in withdrawals, including me.

As I drove through town today I saw our local Memorial Day event going on at the pocket park.  Looked like a good crowd.  There is always the argument about the difference in Memorial Day and Veteran's Day and Flag Day.  In my opinion, we honor all those who served even if they didn't die in action.  LP has my Vietnam MIA bracelet with James Headrick's name on it.  I hope that she will share the history of that with Reaves.  

Keeping the faith here ^j^

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