Wednesday, May 22, 2024

it's not the heat....

I woke up this morning to a temperature of 78 degrees in the house with the thermostat set on 72.  I called Bubba and reported the problem then opened all the doors and a few windows to let the nice breeze in.  Corey Jeffries came and quickly replaced the condenser and even though it's still 78, it's now taking out the humidity to where I can breathe.  It was bad timing for me because I've been to the doctor twice in the past week with breathing problems.  When I was talking with Corey he heard a quail over in the wheat.  I'm not too much on identification of bird sounds but he heard it right away. Chad Ivy is a friend and small business owner that I did a story about when I was a regular stringer at the State Gazette.  He is an Iraq/Afghanistan vet and started his own sanitation business because the corporate big boys weren't getting things done properly in this area.  I signed on with him when I moved here and his service is always reliable, in spite of his multiple health problems.  Not only did he suffer with PTSD but the burn pits of Afghanistan damaged his lungs to the point that he has been diagnosed as immune deficient and had multiple bouts with pneumonia and sepsis because of it during the past year.  At only 37 years old, he faces a lifetime of illness caused by "the Agent Orange" of the war he fought in.  Sounds like time to tell the rest of his story as he seeks to partner with another Chad who followed his business model.  Stay tuned!

This wicked humidity precedes what is supposed to be a four day event of stormy weather beginning around 2PM today.  I haven't had a shower in several days due to exhaustion and I wasn't about to jump in there while it was still hot as hades.  By late afternoon I should be clean if the storm doesn't knock out power.  Ya' just never know.

Reaves graduated from Kindergarten to 1st grade today and I was only there in spirit but that counts.  I'm still driving a friend's car and didn't want to go that far away with it.  So far the transmission has not arrived at the shop but I'm thankful to have a ride and a bank note to pay for it when the work is done.  

I go to this little diner on St John called Mel's for pickup breakfast quite often.  It's the sort of place where they line the manual tickets up in front of the cook and the locals meet to discuss things.  While I was waiting yesterday I sat down with a couple that I did not know and struck up a conversation.  We chatted about life and politics and every little thing.  I do so love a small town.

I've been able to watch the news lately and saw where some scam loan company is trying to repo Graceland and everybody worldwide is like "wtf?"  I mean seriously.  We shall see.  Elvis' granddaughter filed an injunction claiming that it was all a fake so the judge put things off because of the historical significance of the property.  The king, if you will.

The idiot governor of Florida has passed legislation putting climate change concerns on the back burner in spite of the fact that the whole state is suffering mightily from the changes as sea levels rise and temperatures warm.  It is an "inconvenient truth."

Y'all keep it in the middle of the road and love each other ^j^

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