Tuesday, May 28, 2024

turning the corner

I have been very sick the past couple of weeks with some strange illness that has affected breathing on all levels.  The humidity has been terrible plus all the allergens are gunked up in the moisture.  The upper respiratory issues are improving but my head still feels like it's in a bucket so I laid down my license for some real sudafed today and that has helped more than anything.  Sinus pressure down.  I've been using peroxide and alcohol on the ears and taking antibiotics for 12 days.  Something is bound to give.

There is a bush hog running the ditches across the road from me so I'm inside for the day.  Grass pollen is the worst!   I know, "whine whine whine."  And also, I hate to sweat.  I'm already looking forward to fall and winter.  But hey, my flower beds look great because of all the rain.

Call me when all the bad shit is over ^j^

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