Sunday, May 12, 2024

prayers for my car and other mother's day stuff

I was doing Uber 2 duty on Friday when my transmission went out.  Barely made it home from Fowlkes.  So yesterday my friend Red came out and followed me to Lake Road Amaco.  It took thirty minutes with all the starting and stopping for the gears to change.  Bless him.  I got really bad news like 
"new transmission" from Boo so they now have my car.  The (not so) funny thing is that there have been multiple lawsuits against Ford for transmission problems on my particular model which is a 2015 Escape bought from Gene Langley in Humboldt.  I got a recall on something to do with the transmission in 2022 and took it to the local Ford dealership.  They checked if off their list and now this.  Sounds fishy to me.  We shall see when Bubba picks me up tomorrow for a drive by over at the main shop.  With  receipts and such.  They do great work but this is something way and above normal oil changes and tire patches.  Ask for Les or Josh.

Basically I am a screwed consumer.  The interest rate was 24% and a dear friend paid it off for me when he saw that.  It has been a great car with only 22K miles.  First the screen went out earlier in the year and now the transmission.  Y'all be careful out there.  Maybe I can learn to walk again except there's no stores out here.  Back in the day there were!

I'm not bitching, much.  Reaves got to spend Mother's Day time with LP though I was absent.  We face timed and Lizzie did all the things on messenger to change her face.  When we got to many faces going in a circle I had to quit.  Made me dizzy.  She has not been here since Christmas.  Nobody's fault, shit just happens.

Peace and love kids ^j^

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