Tuesday, July 23, 2019

strength in numbers

I had lunch with a group of politically like minded ladies today and enjoyed it a lot.  It was kind of like a little support group or a tribe with a common purpose.  Some were new to me others I had past ties with.  Another not for profit organization was discussing business.  People really do want to make a difference.  I got to see Rachel with the recycle bunch for the first time in months which almost made me cry.

One of the occupational hazards of healthcare is that people die.  Every day.  A good provider will act as coach and advocate for each and every patient.  This is especially true with elder care.  And you know what?  When we lose one it's always sad but often a passage of peace to those who are suffering severe physical pain just from the aging process.  Far too often families wait until the last few days to consider comfort care only.  Part of it is the paperwork.  A DPA signed ten years ago and not available is no good.  Otherwise they go full force at saving lives.  It's the law.

How sad that the quality of life is often in the hands of those who make a hefty profit.  I've worked for all kinds and it's all the same everywhere.  Unless you an educated healthcare consumer you're just a little fish in a great big sea.  I can't remember how many times I saw folks come in the Er with a paper sack full of pill bottles.  They don't even know what they're taking!  The system is broken.  We need healthcare as a right.  If that sounds socialist, so be it.  Considering the fact that the 2020 proposed budget includes cuts to Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid.  Ahem.

I will go to mass for maybe the 2nd time in my life and I just hope somebody shows me when to kneel.  I will hug and kiss friends that I could probably never see again because that connection to Dyersburg will be gone.  

Appreciate, always.  Both families that I have worked with have told me about a million times.  It's just my faith y'all.  

Keep it close ^j^

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. You write from heart, which is what I love.
    Love you, girlfriend, hope you have a restful night.
