Tuesday, July 30, 2019

making do

Bless my little rural heart.  The only internet available to me is high speed DSL from ATT but the buffering is so bad I can't watch the debate live.  Never fear.  My trusty bad ass phone is super fast.  There are only a few I'm interested in hearing anyway.  A handful.  I mean dude....they came out of the freakin' woodwork!  So now it's sketchy on my phone.  Lerd.  I'm reading a really interesting book by Jim Hightower named "If the Gods had Meant for us to Vote they would have Given us Candidates. "  Written from the populist perspective he covers a lot of ground concerning politics in general through the year 2001.  If you're curious, check it out.  I'm intrigued with his knowledge of how big corporations run the elections basically.   UNLESS we get out and vote.

I attended mass today and was also intrigued by that.  I learned something about the ritual of communion.  As a non-Catholic instead of just sitting there like a dummy and making folks walk over me, I took my place in line and crossed my arms over my chest.  And I received a blessing.  That's pretty cool and I'm glad the others gave me a heads up. I hugged them all, more than once before I left for my next adventure.  I felt an arm come around my neck during the service and it was Christine sitting behind me.  We whispered about how we missed that sweet and spunky thing.  

Next stop was Lupo's for water only with the girlfriend's club.  Broke and on the way to work, I was.  My new client and I read books and talked politics and life.  It was a good experience.  And the great news is my friend just called and said he has a bag full of crappie for me!  I almost stopped there on the way home.  

Peace be still ^j^

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