Wednesday, July 31, 2019

somebody loves me

I worked late, stayed up late and slept late in that order.  Right about the time I was beginning to wake up good the dogs went ape shit and I noticed two ATT service trucks outside getting ready to bury a new line!  Praise be.  I may be the last one on the line but they've been diligent trying to fix the problem.  They are the only affordable option where I live in the boonies.  Plus they have my wireless account as well so they better play nice.  The two guys were nice and polite and had the job done in 30 minutes.  Now we don't have to worry about filling in the septic tank around the rigged up splice.  Good job!!

I watched the debate a piece at a time and I was very impressed with Bernie and EW.  Out of the whole bunch they were the only ones who seemed to be unified.  I also enjoyed Pete and Beto.  The rest of them...meh.  We shall see who comes out swinging tonight.

My Kroger run was today and I didn't spend much.  Mostly I eat turkey sandwiches, chips and dip.  I know that doesn't sound extremely healthy but I balance it out.  While I was there I visited with my brother at the fuel center and found him chatting with a customer.  Everybody and their mama'n'them know Bubba.  He gets to wear his signature plaid shirt and jeans to work now.  

Y'all be careful out there.  It's a crazy world, but we live here~ Mac McAnally


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