Saturday, July 20, 2019

and yet they laugh

I have seriously backed off on posting political stuff because it just seems to add fuel to the fire.  My trolls are always on watch for a chance to tell me how ignorant I am for not liking Trump. Prior to his presidency I was not really active and or informed about a lot of things.  The past three years have been an embarrassing nightmare for our country in the global community.  I was discussing politics with a friend the other day inquiring about party affiliation.  His response was "you know me well enough to know that I am neither."  And honestly, I hover in the center like he and many others.  What bothers me the most is his tendency to whip those sheep of his into a hate filled frenzy.  They scare me with that mob mentality.

No Jackson until at least next weekend due to work and other obligations for Lauren and Reaves.  I'll be back at the funeral home on Monday to pay my respects to a wonderful lady and her family.  The bonus will be getting to see Stella!  It's odd how things come around full circle in many respects.  Ethan's funeral was all James Taylor and I went to my first JT concert with Ms. Ruth's daughter and Gary as teenagers.  Subtle nuances of the universe are everywhere if you slow down enough to notice.

I spy with my little eye a cool front coming next week and that is a miracle in and of itself.  Highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s.  That is a rare surprise for July.

As always, keep the faith ^j^

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