Monday, April 28, 2014

robber barons

My utility bill arrived today and it was 200 bucks because of the perpetual motion of washer, dryer and water heater. Plus AC now that it's so humid you can feel the sweat drip. The sun is peaking out following a night when we dodged a bullet but the state of OK and AR did not. It's a crap shoot ya'll, unless you listen to the environmental conspiracy theorists who believe that weather patterns are becoming increasingly googly. No, I did not buy Al Gore's book or see the movie but I am a firm believer that carbon emissions were the beginning of the end for our planet. That we continue to, willy nilly, fuck with our ozone in the name of "progress" makes me want to listen to Don Henley songs or go barefoot. Oil is a good and necessary source of energy, much more efficient than coal or you know what over there in Iran. The process by which fuel is made like methanol production using corn from American farmers was poo-pooed and squashed by those who had high stakes in the Arab oil countries. Holy crap, ya'll. I will say this, if I was convinced that it was safer to pipe that oil down from Canada than it is now with trains, planes and automobiles bringing it from Jihadland, I'm all for it. I'm just not convinced that the same people who almost killed the Gulf coast aren't cutting the country in half. What? It could happen.

So, Paul Simon got busted for pushing his wife Edie Brickel when his mother in law called the cops which is a lesson to every man that even when you're rich and famous, never let Mom live in the house. It's hell on a relationship! Lindsay is sick again and so is Miley. John Cusack hasn't signed up for the sugardaddy position so I guess I'll die a born again virgin and that would be a crying shame. Hey..I could pimp myself out as a Dem disguised as Michelle Bachman's sidekick on the abstinence thing. Because that's ALWAYS worked so well as proven by study after study in conservative think tanks and churches across America. Mama said not to say anything if you can't be nice so that's enough on that subject.

Poor Aunt Granny is waiting to get back to the 'burg where she can see her peeps more often like my mama who is her only surviving nuclear family member. They have always had a rivalry and were jealous of each others' talents but always sealed their visits lately with love. Sometimes I think it's Big Ernie's way that they all lose their minds at the same time, ya know?

Keeping the faith here ^j^

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