Tuesday, April 8, 2014

believe in miracles

We are approaching the time of year that is very important for Christians as it's an observance of the events leading up to his death on the cross. Horribly calculated by the soldiers to last way longer than was humane, he slowly suffocated hanging right there nailed in. There was no way out but to go through the motions of letting go with the faith that others will know about God from you and I don't mean the snippy puritanistic ways of many large churches, most especially those who keep women from having leadership roles and dictate personal belief. How can you, calling yourself a Christian,think that you are more worthy than those who have different ideas about worship. My friend Trauma Tommy is having a major surgery this week for treatment of liver cancer. His progress from the OR will be posted to FB by someone so that the huge crowds of people who love him will know what's up. Thursday, Trauma Tommy. Do a post-it to remind yourself to pray ^j^

I remember giving lip service to belief in angels for years before I was totally convinced...without a doubt...they exist just when you need them most. On one particular All Saints day I sat next to my choir buddy Donna in our robes. The tradition is that bells are rung, one each for the church members who have moved on to greener pasture, as they say. Don't ask me who "they" is but my mother assures me they know most everything. The sanctuary was semi-dark and the sun was shining through the stained glass when I noticed a look on Donna's face I had never seen. In that moment I saw a woman's mother appear as an angel and tell her to keep being a witness. It was a mixture of wonder and awe that I will never forget.

This entire week has been dedicated to those who volunteer their services. At our hospital there are awards for Pink Lady and Red Coat of the year and also one given by my mother's family in honor of Gaga. Now you would have to know her to get this but we swapped memories in HR today of how she started as an admissions clerk, moved to ER and was "forced" to retire at 70 only to be the ruler founding mother for the the Pink Ladies Auxiliary. Honey, nobody will be having to force this old girl any time. As if the torn up right shoulder isn't enough pain now there's a nagging toothache that will get attention tomorrow if I don't end up in ER first.

Anyone who professes to be faithful in belief and action to one God who loves all religions and tribes, is a true follower. I'm tired of the "sky is falling" mentality because I intend to enjoy what time there is left and I damn sure don't know when the gig is up. Not my call. That's the difference..no one of the MANY between me and Peaches Geldof. Happy Hump Day eve.

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