Tuesday, April 22, 2014

earth day and other news

It started raining yesterday and was still gray and wet when I woke up at six freakin' thirty on my day off. As usual I'm on a mission of piddling proportions to go through the final pile...that which sits in the office that used to be a living room eons ago. I figure if times get really hard we'll use it as a bedroom too! All I need is a futon or day bed plus a little help cleaning the floor. It's been a year since I started the sorting process with what is left of my family's heritage. I'm leaning toward pitching most of the 8000 hand written pages no matter who scribbled them. One of each is just fine. There will be a fire at some point and I will probably dance around it celebrating my lighter load.

Elizabeth Warren has said for the umpteenth time she won't run for POTUS so the voters might as well deal with it and I'm glad. Her common sense and down to earth attitude are what the Senate needs to keep their sanity with the House. Geez, man. I don't wish death or harm on anybody but if Ryan,Limbaugh, Beck, McConnell, Cantor,Paul et all just all happened to be on a plane that disappeared into the sea, I wouldn't lose much sleep over it. That is not to say that I think Dems have all the answers...hell no. Obama's harsh actions via the DOJ earlier in his term against the legal pot industry in California destroyed that economy for many people. It took way too long for my comfort for our troops to be pulled out of the desert hellhole that made Cheney a rich man and veterans have PTSD.

For the life of me I can't understand why so many people think that having a "choice" whether or not to buy insurance or pay a fee is wrong. I mean it's not like insurance companies haven't been pulling that one over on us for years. They are to blame for the inflated cost of healthcare along with expensive and often toxic treatments. Think about how many people get a piece of the pie for, say...a cancer patient. You've got your pathologist and radiologist and oncologist and all the others in between, most of which are members of large groups who contract with...you guessed it. Big insurance. MegaPharm is all up in oncology and hematology practices. Concerning the so called "death panels" as the right wingers like to call it, end of life care is something that should be treated with much more respect that buying some doctor's kid tuition to a private school. And by the way? You have never had your total choice of which provider to see even if you purchase insurance through your workplace. They tell you whom you can and cannot see in their network.

It just dawned on me today seeing a memorial posted to the DHS Class of '75 for KY cousin that it's her reunion year. I don't think she ever went to a one, but they all have good memories of her especially in band. Those were the days when Uncle Jim took as much pride in his field show as the coaches did in their football team. It was Friday Night Lights at its' vintage best. He left DHS after almost 30 years because of cuts to the budget and band size and the folks in Obion county were ecstatic to get him! I went for one show up close and personal and knew he had found his home.

The sun is out now so it's playtime. Peace on earth ^j^

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