Saturday, December 11, 2010

fruit of the spirit

My dear friend and salsa sister Miss Athena is a high school secretary/everything during the day and an artist at heart.  Her handmade jewelry is crafted with flair and a hint of the deep spirituality that lies within her heart.  It is a totally inclusive and loving heart, with a take no prisoners attitude when it comes to life in a modern high school.  One of the first of her pieces that I wore was a bracelet given to me by our other salsa sister called Fruit of the Spirit.  Each stone is a different color representing a passage of scripture.  Since it was given to me freely, I didn't hesitate to wear it for about a year and then pass it onto Yaya one birthday up at the kudzu bar.  That MIGHT be the one where she fell off the stage, but I'm not sure.  I'll have to consult redneck friend on that one!

I have given this bracelet to many people, including my babygirl.  She wore it all through the grueling college years when she was working third shift and commuting to school to become an unemployed social worker.  Times are hard for everybody, especially young folks who didn't get a foot in the door before all the jobs went away.  That being said, there are plenty, like her....who are willing to do most anything as long as it's enjoyable, helps people and isn't about the almighty dollar.  That's what WE as a generation got caught up in....the big ride towards a fat retirement that is all of a sudden vaporizing in front of our baby boomer eyes.  I did not expect things to look like this when I was her age.  There was a glimmer of hope then with the booming economy and easy credit.  Jobs were plentiful, especially in healthcare.

Anywho....back to the bracelet story.  BG spent the night here so she could go to a dirty santa party with her girlfriends.  Before she left we were sitting at the kitchen table ( of course ) and she removed the bracelet from her arm and placed it on mine.  It's been a long time since I felt that much joy welling up inside of this old heart.  I cried...she tried not to.  It was one of those moments when you know Big Ernie is real and good and listens to your prayers.  For those of you who were in on that little prayer chain, thanks.  You can go to bed knowing that you were heard.



  1. And God looked down, and saw that it was good.

  2. awww you made me get all teary eyed sitting at the coffee shop.

    Hugs and prayers to ya'll.
