Sunday, March 21, 2010

baby steps

Ya'll know how I prowl all around the farm with my cheapass Kodak and post 'em everywhere and anywhere. I'm a lazy sort, so I usually load the dogs up in the old Camry and drive to where the action is. Imagine my surprise when three big fat John Deere tractors pulled up in just the right position with discs and all over in the new bean field. And damned if the batteries weren't dead in my camera. Since it's rained all freakin' night and day, I reckon they won't move before the sun comes out and I can snap a picture. Maybe with some asparagus in the foreground.

BG had church duty today since I was at the sawmill. Mama doesn't do "church in the weather" so she played hooky and Daddy sang some hymns at the top of his lungs with the men's choir. LP wasn't quite up to Mel's so they rode around and talked about life and what not while Mom listened to her book. Afterwards, she dropped by to get her blood drawn prior to an upcoming outpatient surgical procedure. I managed to get that done and swab her throat in between trips to catch the pneumatic tube that delivers all sorts of vile body fluids from you know where. Best thing I can say is that it's good exercise walking the half mile to shut the sonofabitch up.

I don't know about ya'll, but I just love it when a #1 seed goes down to some unknown little college like that one up in Iowa. I'm watching WV climb simply because my fairy blogmother is a fan from way back. Gotta love a gal who goes to reads to kids and goes to Bristol. And besides, she writes really good.

Here's a message for any of you who have ever shown up at a hospital emergency room with a sore throat or an infected cut that you failed to swipe with neosporin: The cost of healthcare in our country is directly proportional to your mentality when it comes to wellness and self care. You get shot or in a car wreck? We will smooth save your life. Heart attacks...gotcha covered. Bleeding ulcers or breech babies are routine. Just please, for the love of Big Ernie, don't show up looking for pain pills. We will have your number in a heartbeat and probably tell your mama, in spite of HIPPA.

There ain't no cure for stupid.

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