While I was checking email earlier today, I noticed the big MSM splash on the news that Freddie Mac's CFO did himself in before he ever headed to the office. I can't say that I know the feeling since he was only 41 and living in a million dollar house, but I can relate to the fact that he knew the gig was up. Been there.. done that on a much smaller scale. With all of the truth that is being drug out of the political closets lately, it's not a good time to be one of their big money guys.
Circle K is in kitty heaven as I type, able to drink real cream and walk straight. One tme when I was a kid, I asked my Daddy about heaven and hell and all that stuff...like, what he thought it was like. His reply startled me with its' logic and integrity. At that point in his life he believed that your destination is actually what you do with your life here on earth and your perception or appreciation of it. We come from folks who survived the Great Depression which was by no means a picnic, and SUV's hadn't even been invented yet. Somehow I think that particular theology speaks clearly to us today as a warning that life is short and you've got to find heaven where you are in real time rather than waiting for a particular event, like retirement or the next cocktail party. Ya'll know I don't have much use for rich people who squander their money and I'm liable to tip over some tax tables just like Jesus did. We like to call it a running Stafford fit.
Lunch is free all week at the sawmill thanks to our boss and vendors because it's time, ONCE AGAIN, to appreciate laboratory personnel for their contribution to healthcare delivery. I didn't really understand when I signed up for this deal 36 years ago that poop trickles down and if you're dealing with doctors in this country, it's all about having your way. As a side note, I've always believed that they should be paid a salary and do the job like the rest of us schmucks do. And leave your freakin' ego at home with your significant other. Spend a couple of years in the Peace Corp or something.
It's been cloudy all day but looks like a nice sunset might happen so I'm outta here and onto the porch. That sound you hear is Faith snoring on the couch.
I believe about the same way your dad does about heaven.
ReplyDeleteI hope you both have a nice nap. I took one today and I feel much better.