I'm relaxed for a change, faithful that when the other shoe drops Big Ernie will guide me because, Lord knows, I'd hate to be the one in charge of this big old gal'durned mess, as Doris would say. There's a hot dry wind blowing over the lane this weekend...enough to keep a gal inside cleaning and otherwise doing things that need to be done. Like sleeping. And balancing the checkbook. And dreaming about the cooler winds on the beach. Ya'll hide and watch...it'll rain every freaking day we're there if my luck keeps holding.
I've been single for seven years and this is THE most content I've ever been in my life, in spite of the adaptations that come along with making more room for my parents and their needs. Mom has been pretty much housebound since her fall, save for a trip to the beauty shop to get her hair did. The home care agency has been quite responsive to their needs once they figured out what was going on besides an old lady with a fractured arm. It is frightening to me to think about those who have no true advocate in this huge maze called
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