I am a recovering control freak, one who learned in her forties to kick back and let life happen, putting out fires when they flare up but otherwise not sweatin' the small stuff. If any of you are not acquainted with this condition, please see Melody Beattie's works for further clarification. The bottom line is accepting the gift that is the ability to let go. It can't be earned or bought...only cultivated with a sincere desire not to go through life with one's panties in a wad. Who's says there's no advantage to getting old.
For many years, until my parents became homebound, that worked like a charm. While raising a teenager essentially alone, I learned that every crisis has a resolution and sometimes it's sort of sweet to see how it can play out with justice leading directly to lesson learned by a young mind. With aging parents, it's a different story. They are dependent on each other, and on their kids, to keep their lives somewhat manageable and comfortable, all the while dueling the demons that strike elders like broken bones, dementia and social isolation. These fires are not easy to put out, and sometimes all you can do is dig a trench and hope for the best. That's about where we are now.
The salmon colored azaeleas by the front steps are in glorious full bloom which makes me smile. The bugs? Not so much. We're take a giant leap into summer heat with a high in the eighties today and I'm just not ready for that. Ya'll know how much I hate to sweat and all.
Somedays you're the windshield...some days you're the bug. At least tomorrow is Friday.
Beautiful shot. I liked the color with the wood fence and stone path.