It's been a nice quiet weekend around here and that's how we love it. Yesterday was about as close to paradise as it gets taking Tennessee's fickle weather into consideration. BG went to visit her Dad, so I hit the front porch after capturing the gremlins in my mother's computer. They come out at night, you know. Anna and I swang and sipped and talked about life and love, the future and old times. I destroyed about ten wasps in a row with my long reaching spray *heh*..hate 'em.
One of our subjects was about how many people don't seem to realize not to sweat the small stuff but concentrate on the blessings. I guess it takes some steps in someone else's shoes to drive the point home, and she did just that. Her young son is vision impaired due to a traumatic delivery but otherwise is happy healthy and normal. I shared with her the stories of my other friend who has a child who has grown to be an adult battling mitochondrial disease and all that is involved. She was stunned at the simplicity of her own life after hearing about theirs.
Remember my special needs kitty Circle K? She's much better but still doesn't drink much so every day or so I force the water down her. She wasn't feeling particularly thirsty I guess because she bit the SHIT out of my finger. My mother is scared I'm gonna get rabies. I informed her that if I did she could say "I told you so." Peroxide is cheap and works just fine.
We are settling into a flexible routine as an extended family unit and that is a relief in more ways than one. For my parents, it is security. For us, it's an opporunity to spend more quality time with them rather than responding to the fire call when something happened. And I get free breakfast at Perkins :)
We are hoping that the freeze line stays north of here because everything is in full bloom. Daddy's tree even has little peaches on it! On warm days my asparagus shoots up in a few hours begging to be picked and put into some olive oil. I've gotta hand it to my ex....he worked his butt off digging that bed some ten years ago.
Ya'll have a marvelous Monday and all. Don't forget the easter bunny's watching^j^
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