Tuesday, November 10, 2020

monkey business

Of course, we knew it would be this way.  Trump is living in denial and endangering our country and its' security without a care for us.  I don't remember the Clinton Bush transition but by all accounts Dubya was "unprepared" which was a contributing factor to 9/11.  Don't you know all those terrorists are just waiting and watching to see what weaknesses we have?  And all because this administration continues to ignore the truth and be sore losers.  

Meanwhile, we all continue to face our day to day challenges like unemployment, COVID and all the rest that goes along with being the little people.  How to feed your kids.  Gas money to get to work IF you have a job.  I started watching The Queen's Gambit today and it gave me real inspiration about beating the odds and earning respect.  Beth is my new hero!

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and I've been too busy doing things to take care of myself to even search for a picture of my Air Force dad.  I will honor him for sure.  I mused in the quiet today about our world, mine specifically and how it has changed this year.  Prior to January, I was a reasonably healthy active golden years kind of gal.  2020 has not been kind to any of us.  I counted the  years until 80 and there's only fifteen more if I make it.  My parents were both in early to mid 80s when they died.  Reaves will only be 18.  That's why we are making memories now.  

Y'all please help me keep the faith ^j^ 

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