Thursday, July 25, 2019

in between and lean

Also a part of sitting with folks, besides getting attached, is finding other employment when they pass away.  The need is there it's just a matter of getting hooked up with the right people.  I have lots of contacts so I'm sure something will come up in God's time.  I am rich in many other ways besides money. One of the things that I wonder about the ultra rich is if they are truly happy.  Or even if they have a clue how the rest of us live. You can only spend so much money in your lifetime so why not do some good with the surplus?  You wouldn't even have to give up your lifestyle.  Just share.  And be nice.  Can you imagine how much money Jeff Bezos could do with buying school supplies and whatnot.  He would never miss it.  Neither would the Walton family.  Both businesses are guilty of underpaying their employees.

One of the things we talked about the other day was just that.  Our genius solution to a lot of the problems would be letting people retire with Medicare at  60 or 62.  That opens up the job market for the younger folks who NEED jobs.  My retirement age to receive full benefits is 70.  By then you're not able to enjoy being in good enough health to play a little before you die.  Otherwise, we just work until we drop dead on the job and nobody collects what we have paid in.  It happened with my late husband.

Anywho, my cousins are on a roll and a blinged out official Gig the Goldfish bus will be headed to Detroit on Tuesday for the Democratic debates.  He has a primo spot across from the Ford Theater and I feel sure he'll make his presence known.  Good luck buddy!!

This break in the heat has been heavenly but I'm sure it won't last.  There is still August and September to deal with.  The Dyer County Fair is usually hot as the dickens but people flock there anyway!  Tradition, so to speak.  My birthday almost always falls during fair week.  Both of parents and I worked there in one capacity or another.  Daddy was the director one year while Mom manned the office with the late Red Henson.  That was when it was by the graveyard.  

Namaste ~


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