Sunday, January 2, 2022

snow day

Yesterday it was 78 degrees here after a long night of monsoons.  When I got up this morning it was sleeting and 31 and it is now 29 with a forecast low of 19.  Holy Moly.  I thought about doing virtual church and God kicked me in the ass and told me to at least give it a try.  Got dressed, tried out the steps and it wasn't cold enough to be icy yet so I headed to the church house.  And boy am I glad I did.  When we left one of the greeters said "Look outside!"  It was snowing the most beautiful little shower I've ever seen.  Magical!

This Sunday and next are dedicated to the two sacraments that we observe in the UMC.  Communion and Baptism.  Yeah, we do other things like getting ashed for Lent and stuff like that but it's not really a sacrament.   The community of all those who partake of the Lord's supper together, she explained, is both a lateral and vertical thing.  You are communing laterally with fellow Christians and vertically with Jesus.  I never thought about it that way.  I do know when I went to that rail I prayed hard for my girls and Lorna and Kim.  Our mission moment came from a Lakeshore alumni who ended up being a counselor.  She told tales of how the kids there would cry on her shoulder about how bad things were at home yet woke up praising the Lord and becoming a community of believers.  I guess I've been a counselor to a lot of Lauren's friends who had less than wonderful families.  They were always welcome here even if just to vent or get a hug.  I am THE hugmeister!  

Be well y'all.  And always look up ^j^  

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