Friday, September 14, 2012

the honor in brotherhood

I don't know about ya'll but all this embassy burning and fence climbing is about to scare the SHIT of of this old girl. The sad part is that most middle easterners believe that all of us are like the few idiots that they see desecrating somebody else's faith and think that it's okay..nay, even required of a true soldier for "the cause". To hell with those people. There is ONE GOD to whom worship is praised and prayers thrown out to by billions of believers worldwide. That Mittens Romney took an opportunity to throw a dirty election year punch at the leader of our country during such a serious time makes me even more scared that the radicals will win this pivotal election. He even lost an electoral vote today when this lady decided that she could not in good conscience put her vote with him after the dirty way the party did Ron Paul. That's my thing with the party period. If you're gonna be in the game at least pick somebody a little more moderate and trustworthy. And it wouldn't hurt if he didn't get born with a shitload of money.

We have been to the cemetery today behind a long procession of others to the funeral and burial of our friend Jacob. Our tribes have been intertwined for a lot of years and in times of loss, I figure we can at least say I love you in person. I was struck by the bravery of the ones who sought to honor his memory and talk with tears flowing and snot slinging about what a ray of sunshine he was to the world. I sat between BG and Shay watching the pictures flash on the screen of him as a baby and there was never one where he wasn't full grin. And we cried. The UGLY cry! I was also happy to see a whole bunch of guys crying too because that's a healthy thing for men to learn as young gentlemen. Believe me boys, it will pay off down the road. Women really don't think any less of you. The music was inspiring and happy. His exhausted family was just ready to let it go. Plus it was hot as blue blazes. My eye was on Lester the entire time when I could manage it, and there was once when I saw her wandering out of the church by herself that I thought to myself "who's got her?". And then Kevin popped out of nowhere. This young man with a shirt and tie on is the same one that showed up out here ten years ago barefoot lookin' like a hippie with a day off.

I don't remember the first time that I knew what death really was, as in losing someone who has been an integral and stable part of your life. Both my parents and siblings are living and well, kinda sorta'. The bad news is that living in the middle of a farm that employs toxic practices to manage output is not in the best interest of my free radicals or a workable plan for the future of mother earth. As a healthcare provider I've been in the unique situation of being available during the course of treatment for most of my family. Had I not headquartered here all these years life could have been a whole lot harder doctor wise. Just saying. Those perks don't exist anymore what with everybody scared of treating for fear of legal retaliation. If it weren't for the handful of southern gentleman counselors that I know, I'd kill 'em all tonight.

The blog fairy hit just when I thought she had forgot me so everybody at the house has a beverage or six and there will be food. I find this a most excellent way of celebrating the end of this week and this day. I always told every kid that ever walked through our revolving doors to "remember who you are." Most of them listened ^j^

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