Monday, September 10, 2012

the babbling agnostic

I am officially 57 years old and blessed in more ways than some folks could ever imagine. The purge that resulted from two days of crying is just what this old bag of bones needed to get up and try it again. How lovely that prayers are answered in somewhat odd ways at times. The $$ is something that most people I know are struggling with. At least we have jobs here even if I fail to keep things in order money wise. There's just never enough to go around and that's pretty demeaning for someone who has busted her ass for years saving lives through corporate. However, I got so many freakin' birthday surprises that I could not even begin to send thank you notes to everybody. Ya'll just know that you made my day!

Following a morning appointment, we were chilling in BG's room when she found something on FB that filled her with horror...her childhood friend's baby brother is dead of meningitis at 21. Seems he went to an ER and was sent home and then came back with a full fledged case of it dying after transfer. Jacob was the little brother that BG never had, the one who was always up in their business being a pest and telling on 'em. I have a mental pic of the three of them in my kitchen home from Nashvegas for a visit. Our response was immediate and quick...busted out bawling as the reality of yet another loss sank in. Fair? Hell no. Any life that doesn't get to grow to potential is a big fat blob of sadness that can only be honored by living well and paying tribute to the fact that THIS particular life wasn't wasted.

Otherwise, I'm still sick of right wingers telling me that the world's gonna end if we give the president four more years to try to "fix it." That the jobs outlook is bleak is something that began in 2007 and is at a point where jobs can be brought home to employ our people. Sure, you have to pay 'em a fair wage but in the long run? The country supports itself. Get out of the Middle East pronto. More lives and money are being wasted every day over a conflict that is not ours, outside of oil. That can be fixed if the middle men who are brokering the whole thing will get their heads out of ass and drill safely where it can be done without destroying wildlife. Since the ethanol as fuel craze ended up a bust because all the corn goes to feed the wildlife that died in the drought this year...see what I mean? There is a consequence for everything, but we always adapt and move forward.

Do I believe in a loving god? Always, but I know deep in my spiritual self that even the great one can't keep bad things from happening. All we can do is hang together through the thick and thin of it and seize the day.


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