Friday, January 29, 2010

snowed in

It is VERY unusual for this part of the country to get a snow of any significant depth because of our moderate temperatures. Today is a big fat exception to that rule!! Following a few hours of sleet, the snow began to fall mid-morning and is now being drifted about by high winds. My guess would be about three inches so far, but it's not over until sometime tomorrow. This could be one for the record books in the 'burg. I made it work work okay, after crawling through the passenger's seat to get behind the wheel. Since BG got a snow day, she graciously started my car for me ahead of time. It took until three pm for me to get all the ice of the back window...even with that defrost thingy!

And then..hoo boy. Mom and Dad's power went out and we reserved a hotel room "just in case." No TV for Daddy is not a happy prospect and the generator is just too much for them to handle. I think secretly Mom would like to go just for a change of scenery and some room service.

I hope that Daisy is warm somewhere and playing with a nice kid who loves dogs. That's what I'll believe, anyway. Faith and Sam are sacked out on the couch, dreaming about whatever puppies think about while they sleep. Probably food :) I'm looking forward to enjoying some bird watching, armed with sunflower and thistle for my feathered friends.

Ya'll stay safe. Wild horses couldn't drag me off of the lane this weekend.



  1. That's a very pretty picture there. I'm not a huge fan of snow unless it's up on a mountain lookin picturesque.
    Hugs and prayers.

  2. Got to agree with the Cowboy - nice pic.
    I was just telling the wife that, here we are looking to move to TN or NC to get away from Winter... and there the old bugger is!

  3. It just started snowing here, Poopie, and I'm not leaving either!!
