Monday, January 18, 2010

thou shalt not dooce me

Oh Lord, ya'll. Today was one for the history books, and the one that shocked me into reality that I am an "elder" in the healthcare profession. Oh yeah, I know that our administrative team is full of youngsters climbing the corporate ladder. And I know that our little lab family has gained and lost many a phlebot and tech. But dammit...oh, never mind. Let's just say we saved a life and leave it at that. I think I have some kind of post traumatic stress disease or something. If I had a buck for every time I've participated in THAT fire drill, I could retire to Fiji and never look back.

Daisy has taken to following any person on foot or in a vehicle who leaves my house which presents a problem. She picks up scents and trees things and does that annoying beagle bark every step of the way and I have to chase her ass down. No more, sista. Three of us chased her across a ditch and she had her first ride in the trusty old camry's back seat with the window down. I think she'll learn to like it like Faith and Sam do. Hopefully she won't fall out on her head or anything.

Me feet hurt, which serves me right for wearing new shoes to work. As Lori would say *meh*.

Over and out from the lane. To be continued............

1 comment:

  1. Well now, I think I understand you don't get frustrated too easily nor often, so...
    Prayers for you Poopster.
