Monday, June 20, 2022

two stinky dilemmas

Oh yes indeed it is a Monday!  We went to see Cousin Marilyn today in Ridgely and came back to Dyer county with country eggs, garlic and plum jelly.  PLUS a giant turkey egg to show Bubba.  I laid all the stuff in the back seat, by-passed the road construction on 78 and found that the turkey egg was *poof* gone somewhere in the car.  I'm assuming it rolled off the seat.  Alrighty then.  I searched and searched under the seats and no egg.  On the way to my house I heard something fall and said to myself  "wherever it was, there it went, being fairly certain that I would find it easily when I got out.   Well of course not!  That would be too easy.  Now I have to wait for said egg to start emitting sulfur to find and dispose of it.  Just, yay.  

Dilemma #2 is that my laptop is showing signs of giving up the ghost.  Which would be a very sad thing for this old girl.  I can't blog on the phone because the letters are too little and I'm used to a keyboard.  I want to be on Kelly's show and get something for being a rad human but I've not done anything really really rad.  Just lots of sprays of rad.  Anywho, we shall see.  If I suddenly disappear y'all will know for sure that it's over until payday except for FB posts on the phone.  When I had my surgery and was in rehab afterwards, all I wanted to do was blog so Lauren brought it to the nursing home.  I never did get up the energy to get it connected amidst all that shit on the floor by my bed and one outlet.  When Lauren brought me home from there she hauled three weeks worth of being in the hospital, going to rehab in an ambulance, etc. etc.  Needless to say, it all laid in piles for a hot minute.  By the time I finally made it home three weeks after that fateful night, my immediate future included Home Health for six weeks to do PT, give wound and ostomy care and all the rest.  People brought food and I was grateful.  Nurses came in the middle of the night when the wound vac alarm went off, and I was grateful.  They even came up to three times a day because I didn't know how to change the bag with what I had.  They worked as a team to keep the poop in its' place until finally calling the ostomy nurse from Baptist East who told them I needed a convex wafer,  They set me up with Byrum and I've learned since then from other providers how to navigate the situations that come up like ulcerations and leaking.  And still, I'm learning and have bad days with it.  

At church yesterday Mary Beth preached about the beginning when God created the whole thing out of dust and the trinity came into being.  Wouldn't you know it would be a snake to invent sin.  I hate those things because of that piece of scripture, though Eve made the decision when tempted like the rest of us do daily.  I'm excited about this six week summer series explaining how we got to where we are.  I have never read the entire Bible, like many folks.  I didn't look around to see how many folks raised their hands but it would have tacky to turn around to the back.  

I'll let y'all know when the stink starts in my car.  I think they have a pretty thick shell so maybe it didn't break.  One can only hope ^j^

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