Thursday, June 16, 2022

pack the pantry

I have learned, over time, to buy the things that I KNOW I will use in bulk like butter, cream cheese, mayo, etc.  This keeps me from having to go to the 'gentral so much.  I'll do a once or twice a week pickup order from Kroger and (hopefully) get what I really want.  I don't eat meat much because of the processing.  Gonna' check out the prices at Sunflower Health on the grain fed stuff.  

There are trucks hauling ass down the road getting their ready on for wheat 2022.  It will take about a two weeks to get that done and beans planted.  Thank you sweet baby Jesus for a no corn year.  I am watering daily and hoping for the best in my little gardens.  That's about all you can do.

I've been watching snippets of the hearings and Bill Barr is about to piss me off.  If you knew the shit then, why didn't you just do something.  This has been going on wayyyy too long with all of us little people struggling to keep up with inflation.  Either do it or move on to something that will help us out.  I do not think that President Biden is at fault here.  Sure, he ain't the smartest tool in the shed but....he inherited a hot mess that began with COVID and moved onto a side show when he won.  Meanwhile, we're wandering in the desert.

It's easy to blame Putin because, seriously, that's when it all went to hell in a handbasket.  That murderous SOB will stop at nothing to show us up.  We have plenty of oil without him. I admire Ukraine for their efforts at fighting the KGB.  That's one tough war for all involved.  

I reckon I need to take myself off the prayer list at church even though I still need them.   I saw another church member at the grocery store and we discussed about how we're both fine but still there.  The highlight of my day was talking with a Methodist minister and his son at the beauty shop.  You could tell we were both Wesleyan by our conversation but he told that 57 congregations in our annual conference are breaking off with votes to take place soon.  This is all about the book of discipline and what it says about LGBTQ ministers and marriage in the church.   

Paws2Care is an organization near and dear to my heart because they rescue and re-home fur babies.  They are overwhelmed with the mission which is a non-profit and operated strictly by volunteers.  There are so many ways to help other than actually doing transports or working with the animals.  Please consider donating your time and or money to them.  They seriously need it!

As Kelly would say "Have a great day and if it's not, change it!"


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