Sunday, June 26, 2022

good intentions

I was working outside late yesterday afternoon taking care of the plants and whatnot when I spotted Lily under the porch and said to myself "She needs to get in the house and get to to the mouse business."  That's when I fell in the gravel and tore my self up!  I laid there for a few minutes since the fall  kind of knocked the wind out of me and I couldn't find anything to hold onto.  I did manage to grab the deck rails and pull myself up but my legs were so wobbly I fell again.  That was the big one.  I crawled to the deck steps and got my bloody self into the house but didn't really hurt bad. Until about 3AM.  It dawned on me afterwards that I could have laid there forever until somebody found me so that was the adrenaline that allowed me to get up and where I needed to be.  I rinsed it all with peroxide and will follow up with more peroxide and neosporin  

The girls came today and it rained but not enough.  We sat on the deck and watched it roll in with an immediate drop in temperature from the wind.  There was thunder and lightning which freaked Oscar out to the point of shaking and clinging.  I have GOT to get him some Benadryl.  Anyway, it is in those moments when a storm is brewing that I feel closest to God.  I missed in person worship today because I was hurting too bad plus had a bag leak as soon as my feet hit the floor.  I watched online and got the message.

Normally I have my phone on me at all times in case of emergency but not when I'm watering because my hoses leak and it would get wet.  That was my downfall and believe me, it didn't follow pride.

Love the one you're with ^j^

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