Monday, June 13, 2022

too hot to eat

I'm normally not a big eater anyway, but the heat just makes me not want anything much.  I remember growing up when Mama cooked what we called "red face suppers" where all the produce from Daddy's garden was fried with a big slab of cornbread along with it. Needless to say, that warmed up this little cabin quite a bit.  When we were kids there was a big box fan in the upstairs window that kept the breeze going even though it was hot wind.  We survived, of course.  The older I get, the less tolerant I am to extremes in weather like we have in West Tennessee.  This was only day two of about 14 in the heat alert level.  When I saw this thing setting records in the southwest, I knew it was headed for us.

I went to the gentral today to retrieve my keys and they were nowhere to be found.  Thank goodness I still had Alexis' number in my phone so I called her and they were found in the manager's office along with hers which SHE forgot.  I gave her a stunning review on the corporate website and I sincerely hope that will be looked at, though I doubt it.  

I went to my old/new again dentist's office and there were still folks there that I know, but not many.  My current insurance offers double the benefits that I had before so I'm looking at getting some partials.  They worked with me on the insurance to carefully schedule when and what can be done.  They will first take an impression of the lower left side tomorrow and we'll go from there.  I have no molars on top or bottom on that side.  The lower right is good for now but the upper right is root tips that will have to be removed.  Not much there to work with and that partial will come next year.  Maybe by the time I die I'll have a full set of choppers that will be cremated with the rest of me.  Such is life.   And then there's the Prolia to consider.  I've had four injections so it's probably time for another bone scan.  

So, enough about me.  I am absolutely loving these hearings.  All the players are spilling the beans on the orange one and his denial of our electoral process.  You lost dude.  Get over your narcissist self.  You make Nixon look like a saint.  I am also watching our local elections closely and interacting with the candidates.  Our governor will have some stiff competition I do believe.  If only we could get rid of MarshaMarshaMarsha. Honestly it's not even about party affiliation anymore.  You have to watch what people do when they are in office and I have done that.  Hey...I live here.  I cannot vote on anything in city elections because I'm a county girl but I ain't at all happy with that situation either.  

All of this takes me back to the days when our little county hospital was sold.  There was solid backing from employees and physicians for one buyer who wanted us to be a part of a feeder along Highway 51.  So did the highest bidder, but their priorities changed when they partnered with UT to become a transplant center.  All us little people that they bought at 10M over market value got thrown under the bus.  Our elected county officials did that.  Google it.  Maurice Elliott. Gary Shorb.  When MHS was done with us they sold the entire West TN seven to CHS which was supposedly a chain that specialized in rural healthcare, but in fact was focused on money makers like an unsafe cath lab.  Girl, the things I saw.  

I'm waiting for the sun to drop a bit lower until I go out to water because it is brutal and I don't do heat well.  Y'all stay cool and keep the faith ^j^

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